Now announcing a coordinated Release event like no other. In an unofficial, official cooperated attempt by:
- CVG United
- Scruffy Dragon Productions
- Sic Graphics Mugen Team (SGM) spread out most of our coming holiday releases to try and not overlap one another.

Things will kick off with SGM taking the opening stage for CVG on Dec 20th. They will be revealing some new things, a couple with a CVG feel.
This will then lead off into...

...on the 21st. One of our bigger release days of this event will also serve as a prelude to the Scruffy team's annual 12 Days of Christmas event that will start on the 25th. However, we will have our final release that day as well.

Scruffy's 12 Days of Christmas is obviously the comic Mugen community's preeminent holiday release event, and SGM will have a couple days involved directly with it as well. Last year the Scruffy Dragon team released a ton of characters, updated others, and showed off some videos. And I'm sure they are planning to outdo themselves in 2009.
In short, starting on Dec 20th and running through to Jan 5th, expect to either get something new, or find out some brand new information about what will be instore for you all later.
This is all done for the fans, as we are Mugen fans ourselves. Special thanks to Scruffy Dragon Productions, Sic Graphics Mugen Team, Team CVG and the CVG Forum Community for helping it all come together.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Discuss this all at: M.U.G.E.N Holiday Extravaganza
This is gonna be epic! :D