Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mugen: Mongul

Mongul, isn't a character that I followed in the Comic Books but he did appear twice in Justic League. Just a few minutes of research yielded much information. Wikipedia has a couple of great entries: Mongul and "For the Man Who Has Everything", which was a story by Alan Moore from the mid-1980's and was adapted into a great episode in Justice League Unlimited. It was one of my favorite episodes and followed the comic book very closely. It was an awesome adaption and extremely well-done. The other episode that showcased Mongul (his first appearance in the series) was also adapted from the first time Superman met up with him after DC rebooted their continuity in 1980's. I have seen only one version of Mongul for mugen. And it is awesome. Jeff and Magus did an awesome job. Good use of his powers, great appearance, and generally fun is built into the character. It's a kick to use his special moves; they are brutal just like his personality.

Mongul Mugen Versions



Jeff & Magus88

Here is the video tests I put together for Mongul

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