Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Skeletor by by Kain the Supreme - MUGEN

Fortunately, Kaine the Supreme did not just stop at releasing He-Man but also released Skeletor for MUGEN. Can't have one without the other and you want both! I ran Skeletor through MUGEN's survival mode.

Watch Survive This: Skeletor in Action & Adventure  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Skeletor by by Kain the Supreme - MUGEN
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Grudge Match: He-Man vs Superman

What happens when the 2 most powerful men in the universe fight? I think that it would be a pretty interesting fight. I mean He-Man is all about magic - one of Superman's only weaknesses. In the final analysis, I think Superman could win!

Watch Grudge Match: He-Man vs Superman in Action & Adventure  |  View More Free Videos Online at

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He-man by Kain the Supreme - MUGEN

I've been waiting for this character to be released ever since I first got into MUGEN in 2007. It's worth the wait. I've been having a lot of fun with the character. The thing I like best about it is the ability to toggle the sword.

Watch Survive This: He-man in Action & Adventure  |  View More Free Videos Online at

He-man by Kain the Supreme - MUGEN
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Friday, June 25, 2010

Released! Isabella Valentine from Soul Calibur

In case you might not have been aware, Green (same creator for BloodRayne) and Gillfrog have released Isabella Valentine from the Soul Calibur video game series.


She is a beta release and feedback is needed, so if yu would like to discuss the character, please do so here:,5801.0.html

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grudge Match - Bane vs Green Goblin

Could Bane really beat the Green Goblin? I don't think Bane could beat the Green Goblin. Norman Osborne is smarter than Bane and has more toys and super powers. Without the venom drug, Bane is notthing. But here is a scenario in MUGEN using AI Control.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Survive This: Bane

Jmaxximus and ALEXZIQ's version of Bane has been released. I put it through its paces in MUGEN. This is the best version of Bane I've ever played with!

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CVG UNITED- Where Comics and Video Games Unite! - Bane

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Grudge Match: ZVitor's Spider-Man vs Spiderbats' Batman

I've done Grudge  Matches between versions of Spider-Man and Batman. In such a contest I think it can go either way. I think Batman has distinct advantages if he is allowed to prepare. Here is another possible scenario in MUGEN.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Survive This: ZVitor's Spider-Man (Updated)

Here is an update to ZVitor's Spider-Man. I'm real excited about it because I thik it's my favorite version of Spider-Man for MUGEN. I took it for a spin in MUGEN's survival mode.

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CVG UNITED- Where Comics and Video Games Unite! - Spiderman (updated)
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Grudge Match - Magneto vs Akuma

I think that this fight would be awesome. Could Magneto win against Akuma? I think he could definitely. win. Here is a scenario in MUGEN using both character computer controlled.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Survive This: Magneto

CVG United has a great version of Magneto available for download. It's an update of Kong's version by Kong and aa250. I took it for a spin by going through Survival Mode in MUGEN.

CVG UNITED- Where Comics and Video Games Unite! - Magneto
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Grudge Match - Superman & Supergirl vs Batman & Batgirl

I wonder how would a fight between Superman and Batman might look like if they both brought along a protoje> Well thanks to MUGEN we can see some possibilities. I used Alucard' Batman to make this vido. Here is how it played out.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mugen-Infantry: 3D Stage Def Generator

Here is  a great tool for generating 3D stages. 

Mugen-Infantry: 3D Stage Def Generator

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Thor

Now here is a fight I would love to see: Thor vs Supergirl. I think Thor would destroy her because of his battle-hardened skills and he using Magic. Supergirl's powers mean squat against magic. Here is a possible scenario in MUGEN.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Starfire

Could Starfire beat Supergirl? I think she can. It would make for a good fight who ever won. Here is a battle staged using MUGEN.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Grudge Match: Supergirl vs Chun Li

I don't think Chun Li can beat Supergirl.  In a real fight there is only one way it can go. But in MUGEN, they are more on an even playing field. Here is such a possible scenario.

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Ice

I think that Supergirl would definitely win in a fight with Ice. Here is how such a fight might look in MUGEN.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Fire

I think that Supergirl would straight beat Fire. I think that such a fight would be hard pressed but it could only win one way - a victory for Supergirl. Here is how a fight might look thanks to MUGEN.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Emma Frost

I think Emma's telepathy gives her a tremendous advantage over Supergirl. I think it's enough of an advantage that may mean she would win a fight with Supergirl. On top of that Emma can truly be ruthless.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Grudge Match - Superman vs Captain Mar-vell

Now this truly would be a great fight. I think that Superman would be hard pressed in this fight but would ultimately win this one. Here is how it might go down using MUGEN.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman and Supergirl would probably evenly matched in Strength. However Wonder Woman's battle skills would decide the outcome. Supergirl would loose. Here is a possible scenario in MUGEN.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Storm

I think Storm could beat Supergirl because she can control the weather and I don't care how powerful Supergirl is I doubt think she can stand up to all of the earth's weather. Here is a possible scenario in MUGEN

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Samara

Given that Supergirl is vulnerable to magic, its obvious that Supergirl is going to be in trouble. I think Samara will take this easily. Here is a fight in MUGEN.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Rogue

I think the fact that Rogue can copy anyone's powers and fight them on their own level gives her a distinct edge against Supergirl. I think that she can beat Supergirl. Here is a scenario in MUGEN.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Psylocke

In this fight, I think Psylocke has an edge due to her telepathic powers. Supergirl may have all of Superman's powers but she also has his vulnerabilities to Kryptonite, Magic, and Telepathy. I think that if she can stay out of Supergirl's reach, Psylocke has a fighting chance. Here is a fight in MUGEN

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Ms Marvel

I'd think that Ms Marvel would really be able to give Supergirl a fight. As for a winner, I think Ms Marvel would win because she is better experienced Here is a fight in MUGEN.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Mai Shiranui

Now, here is another match I would love to see. There is no way Mai could win but it would still be fun to see. Here is how such a fight could play out in MUGEN

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Grudge Match - Supergirl vs Black Cat

I also don't think Black Cat could beat Supergirl but I admit it would be fun watching her try. I decided to see if I could try staging a fight in MUGEN

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