
Friday, September 18, 2009

Grudge Match: Green Goblin vs Hobgoblin

I can only recall one occasion where The Green Goblin fought the Hobgoblin: Amazing Spider-man #312. I remember how excited I was the first time I read it. The thing is neither character was the original. This Green Goblin was Norman's son, Harry Osborn, and the Hobgoblin was the second one. But I wondered what would happen if the originals ever tussled. Fortunately, we can do it in MUGEN.

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  1. this is an old version of the green goblin, download the new from InfinityMugenTeam

  2. Actually..
    1) the Hobgoblin created for the mugen is the second one (jason philip macendale jr, aka Jack O Lantern I). You can recognize it for the cape which is ripped and for the fact that is glider became of fire like when it became possessed by the demon called N'Astirth

    2) The original Goblin and the original Hobgoblin fought in the comics. Spectacular Spider-man issue 259/261. in that period Osborn tries to convince the world it isn't Goblin and used a clone like thug acting as Goblin...but in the end fought with Hobgoblin. This was also the last apperance since now of the original Hobgoblin



  3. ok there are a few slight improvements in hobgoblin, pretty decent

    I have to say this though, and I speak from experience - "DarkTalbain" is a dick

    plan and simple, and several people can back me up on that..

    that and he's not that great at spriting
