
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mugen: Neo

From time to time I like to do a search for new mugen characters that I don't have. I was searching and found Neo from the Matrix! I got excited. However its a custom character - not neo form scratch and barely reminds me of the character from the Matrix, but feel free to download it.

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  1. It's not Neo, it some character from KoF or something like that. Using fireballs and green flame, speaking japanese, poorly animated. imho this character is not worth downloading.

    Mugen fan from Russia

  2. definitely NOT Neo, stop kidding yourself

  3. Thats Kain Heinlein colored in black. Kain comes from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. The last Fatal Fury game. Or so it seems.

  4. NOPE NOT NEO! i have him if you want him 13+ sorry http://www. "no space"
    sorry its beta but its a super cool beta and the only one you will get
