
Friday, May 6, 2011

CVG Fest, Day 9

CVG Fest has begun! Track everything that happens and is released by clicking this link or the pic below: CVG Fest 2011 is Here!!!

One of the more unique characters released last year was Multiple Man by SOS_1_Bros. Well, thanks to Arkady (some code and sprites) and aa250 (lead code fix w/support from Alexziq) he has been overhauled. Download him when clicking the image and talk about it here: Multiple Man gets a MAJOR update

aa250 has worked on a bunch of gameplay fixes for his Magneto. Find out everything that is new and the download link by clicking the picture

CVG United would like to thank the JLM team and Jhonny_DC specifically by taking part in CVG Fest with their beta release of the DC Villain, Shade. Find the DL and talk about it by clicking on his portrait

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