
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

CVG Fest, Day 8

CVG Fest has begun! Track everything that happens and is released by clicking this link or the pic below: CVG Fest 2011 is Here!!!

aa250 just updated his Omega Red. To find out what all is new, as well as the download location, click on his image

Today I release my second Portrait pack, with a focus on characters in both Mugen and MvC3, with a few extra Marvel ports. To comment on it and find the download link, click the image

Thanks to Devsman, you all now have a tutorial on how to use that Character Creation Template Tool we just gave you: MUGEN Character creation tutorial

At Thanksgiving, we released a beta of our Character Creation Template Tool. Today that beta gets a massive update. If you have ever wanted help coding, this thing will help you out. Click the image to find the DL and talk about it

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