
Friday, May 1, 2009


A little while back, mmcelhaney expressed an interest in bringing one of his favorite comic characters to Mugen in the Black Panther. You can read about that again here:

Well, some of you know this, and some of you do not, but he decided to outsource the sprite editing of Black Panther to someone else, and his name is Bizarro_Toro.

Here is some of the work he has shown us so far:(pics)

If you'd like to follow the progress of Black Panther you can go to these locations:,87.0.html

Well, he has another WIP that he has been working on for some time now, Steel from the Superman Universe! And he recently premiered a video of him on YouTube showing him in action.

I think he looks amazing and I cannot wait to see what he can do with the sprite edits on Black Panther.

You can follow the progress of Steel at:
With a WIP link coming soon!

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