
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mugen: Ice

Ice is a DC comics character that I don't have much familiarity with. I've read of her in the comic books only one time and that was when she with the Justice League when they tried to take on Doomsday while waiting for Superman to arrive. They had their butts handed to them. However I have also heard that she was also a member of Birds of Prey, a female superhero team. You can read the wikipedia article for more information. I have only found one version of Ice for mugen but if you Buyog was a part in making of a character, one version is all you need.

Ice Mugen Versions



the DC vs Marvel team
(Smogon Kane, Buyog2099, Lord Magus, McCready)

I thoroughly enjoy playing with is character. I am amazed about how awesome she is play and the variety of moves you can use with ice. The controls are so responsive and none of the movers are super hard to pull off, but they are satisfying. Here is the test video.

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