
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mugen: Fire

Fire is a DC comics character that I don't have much familiarity with. I've read of her in the comic books only one time and that was when she with the Justice League when they tried to take on Doomsday while waiting for Superman to arrive. They had their butts handed to them. However I have also heard that she was also a member of Birds of Prey, a female superhero team. You can read the wikipedia article for more information. I have found only one version of her for mugen, although it looks a little "rough" it's still interesting. It has a variety of special moves and is fun to play. It's formidable enough to allow a player to more than hold his/her own against other well-made characters in mugen.

Fire Mugen Versions



Chak'zz (alias Jhonny DC) quejas: 87

I like the character's intros and win poses. I also like throwing fire projectiles. All in all i thin the character should be used and enjoyed. Following is my text video. The creators did a great job!


  1. Dude, can you please post a direct download link? I registered at that forum and after long searching I finally found the thread, but the downloading always aborts before it is finished.
    The same with Punisher and Sentry, I cannot even find the threads to download them under the links that you posted.

  2. The link to fire should have popped you right into JhonnyDC's thread. It downloaded without a problem. If you are still having problems, I'll post it in my esnips account. As for Punisher and Sentry they are not available for individual download in order to get them you have to download Eternity of Heroes (the whole game) from Infinity Mugen Team. It is well worth it.

  3. Can you send this character to me because all the links are gone and shes one of my favorite character, I want this character so bad.
    My email is

  4. im in need of her too i cant get into esnipes. ive been trying for over a month can you post another update plz.
