
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

CVG United's Halloween Trick or Treat event, Day 2

Welcome to CVG United's Halloween Trick or Treat event. Click the image below for more info

Thank you to daraku for releasing Kento from Fightin' Spirit: Amiga. He makes a good alternative to all the Ken and Ryu clones out there. Download by clicking 1 of the images below and take the link to talk about the release: Kento Sazaki released by daraku

The second day of CVG United's Halloween Trick or Treat event begins with a number of portrait packs courtesy of Tazzer, arkadyrossovitch, and Shulbocka. To find the download location and talk about whatever release, click the corresponding image below, or their link here: Random Portpack by Tazzer, Marvel DCvM style ports by arkadyrossovitch, and/or 3 Portrait Packs by Shulbocka

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