
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mugen: Quicksilver

Quicksilver is a great character. I'm not sure how many versions are there in MUGEN. But here is one in case you don't have it. In the comics he's not as fast as the Flash but still possesses amazing speed. Download


  1. Dawm! Man, give us a normal link! I don't want to registrate on yahoo mexico only because of this character. Don't tell me 'bout Google translate. It's translating very badly. I can't understand this @#$%.

    I'm reading your blog for a long time. I'm not a rasist or something, but for God's sake GIVE A NORMAL LINK!

    I'm not writing on russian and telling you to use Google translate, right?

    Mugen fan from Russia (aka MffR)

  2. The truth is I don't feel comfortable stealing a person's work and posting it in an English context. I'm not having any problem navigating the Spanish although I really only speak English. A big hint is look for the hyperlink.

  3. If you have a yahoo account it makes getting into that site possible.

  4. А по-русски ты хорошо разговариваешь? А если у меня нет аккаунта на yahoo и я не хочу его заводить только из-за одного персонажа? Выпроси разрешение автора для выкладывания персонажа, раз тебе так неудобно, баклан.

  5. Hey Marcus,
    I have a Yahoo account & I logged in but I don't see any quicksilver download link. Do you have to join the group to get the download link? Thx Dude.

  6. yo lo cree si me escriben al correo les puedo dar una copia de el aunque esta en formato beta mi correo es

  7. For those that don't understand spanish - cherb0 is going to see if its ok to give you a copy of the beta format/version. Contact him at

  8. Can you please send me Quicksilver?


  9. hay otro quicksilver 100%, y ES UNA LOCURA, es muy bueno LO malo es que esta en un fullgame encriptado y no se puede sacar, sera esperar a que en el 2011 lo liberen completamente, por ahora les dejo el link para que bajen el juego y veran sorpresas de este personaje y otros
