
Saturday, May 15, 2010

CVG Fest Recap #1

Click the image below to follow what happens for our 1 Year Birthday Celebration!

Apologies for not discussing what has been going on during CVG Fest more often. Here is a partial recap of whats been going on...V

CVG United is proud to present the Marvel Superheroes Shi'ar Invasion project. This will be a game based on the Cosmic characters of the Marvel universe. The roster will exists out of 8 playable character 1 mid-boss, 1 sub-boss and 1 end-boss. Discuss the teaser vid here: bdc shows off progress for his Marvel Superheroes Shi'ar Invasion project

EXShadow recently updated a stage that fits Yin's recent Lara Croft character upload to a 'T' and was considerate enough to allow us to host it here. Check it out at: EXShadow releases Hi-Res Forest Temple Entrance (Prefect stage for Lara Croft)

Trexrell and I (Yin) were putting together our own RPG game, Demon's Revenge, before we got into Mugen. Watch the video to check it out and you can discuss it here: Presenting Demon's Revenge

Special thanks to CVG Contributor who has released 3 animated Martial Masters stages (for Lotus Master, Monk, and Red Snake respectively) today for CVG Fest. To download them, click the image below. And to discuss the release: kyoman releases 3 Martial Masters stages

Check out this video of Justice Society members going at it. To find out more info: JSA's Alan Scott and Jay Garrick Teaser

Many comic Mugen fans love a good DCvM portrait. Well, CVG United is proud to have one of the best at making them a team member here. The Arlequin is releasing a pack of many of these ports today. Download by clicking the image and discuss this at: DCvM Portrait Pack by The Arlequin released

aa250 has done an amazing job updating Magneto for CVG's Birthday! Click the image below to download this release or click the link to discuss the character. Magneto Updated By aa250

Everyone loves to customize their personal Mugen with portraits they like. Well, fortunately for Shulbocka releasing 2 more portrait packs, you now have more options to do so. Click the link or click the image below to discuss this release and find the download locations. Portrait Packs By Shulbocka

Check out "The Phantom Zone" stage by Heka and kain the supreme. To download, click the image above, and this link to discuss the release: The Phantom Zone release by Heka and kain the supreme

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