
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Scruffyversary So Far...

This video shows off all of the characters released for Scruffyversary so far:
- Super Soldier by Duratan and Sic-1 updated
- Thanoseid by Rozeros and Zvitor updated
- Pocket Lara Croft by Magus release (w/stage)
- Pocket Vixen by Lumina released
- Pocket Wonder Woman by Magus released
- Pocket Wolverine by DrStrange and the Pocket Mojo team released
- Pocket Batman by Magus updated
- Pocket Superman by Magus updated

There are also video previews of Joker, Bizarnage, Ferroman v3.0, X-23, the DC Pocket Villains, and Greenskull

The event also memorialized ComedyHaHa, reorganized the Pocket project section, reconstituting the old team website to show how much has changed, and announced a Spiderman specific project by Hobgoblin and WuCash.

For more info, go to:

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