
Monday, January 4, 2010

Mugen: Parasite

Buyog has released a new version of Parasite for MUGEN. IT is one of the most ambitious technologically character implementations in MUGEN that I know about. In case you have not seen or used this character before, it actually can steal and use powers from several different Marvel and DC characters for MUGEN. It's truly epic and supports multiple moves and many different characters. Check out Buyog's Parasite page for a complete list of supported characters and moves or check out the readme file.You can Download the character from Buyog's site or you can get it from Scruffy Dragon's site.I have an idea. I'm planning a post where I will create a special deck containing only characters that I have that Parasite interacts with and see what happens.


  1. I've got a similar plan for a showcase video on my YouTube channel. Parasite's to the point now where he can definitely hold his own.

  2. I'm going to be waiting tom see that video...Parasite is truly epic!
