
Friday, January 22, 2010

Grudge Match: Captain America vs Superman

I realize under normal circumstances there is no way  Captain America can beat Superman, however if he had to, Captain America would still try. Assuming that Superman's invulnerability (let's say Batman loans him some Kryptonite) is mitagated I think Captain America's fighting skills would win out.

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  1. Your statement would be similar to "there is no way Batman can beat Superman" when in fact Batman can best the Man of Steel. For one, Captain America has peaked intelligence (likened to Batman) while Superman is not quite that bright.

  2. You guys should read comics more. Supermans weakness to kryptonite does not make him a weak little boy with no fighting skills that can be beat by anyone. He can still speed blitz your precious Captain America/batman.

  3. People also discount the fact that Superman is actually almost as intelligent as Batman. He may have been raised as a simple farm boy, but he has the knowledge of a highly advanced alien civilization through his fortress. Superman isn't a dummy. He would see the Captain coming from miles away and take him out is a millisecond.

  4. If captain blocked one punch of superman with the shield super man would have a fractured arm. Caps shield is vibranium which means all forces applied are completely redirected. Super man has a chance but if he screws up its a win for cap.
