
Monday, December 14, 2009

Zvitor releases Aquaman v1.5

The first release of the holiday season is here with Zvitor releasing a new version of his very first character, Aquaman. Improved sprites, altered gameplay and everything Zvitor has learned since v1.0 all put into him.

Note from Zvitor about the release:

"Return of the King!!!
My char #1, the first big update from my first char, i didnt made the 'what is new' list, because is a lot of changes, still have some sprite problems, like clone basics and fews sprites to get hits, but is 100% more enjoyable char, so have fun."

Download Aquaman 1.5 at:

And be sure to get the stage specially created for him by Scruffy Dragon legend, Wucash.

Download Atlantian Waters at:

And the holiday releases are just getting started!

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