
Sunday, October 4, 2009

CVG United's Latest News

- CVG United is happy to announce the release of the White Queen, Emma Frost by XFields, Eclipse, and Zvitor. To check out the release thread , click her image above

- I was finally able to convince Reza to join CVG United and he was gracious enough to release his Pre-Final version of Cyclops. To go to the release discussion thread to give your feedback towards the final release version later, click the image above

- Vladnesas recently released his Doom in the Sky stage for Dr. Doom. You can discuss this release and find the download location here:

- CVG United would like to welcome our newest Team Member, The Arlequin and announce that his awesome Spawn WIP is now part of the Crisis in the Mugen Multiverse project. To check out the WIP thread, click the either image above

- Make sure you check out the download section for recent updates to Steel, Firestorm, and Duke Nukem!

- Participate in the final week of CVG United's interactive AI Match prediction contest. It's easy to enter. For more info: Pick 6 Contest

- The October 3rd rankings for the the Community Review Database are out. Check them out and discuss them here:

- Mugen Madness v2.0 has begun! To find out more and make your selection for the character to represent you, take the following link. Selections are limited:

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