
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Preview Week Day 6 Further Announcements

Okay, so I admit, there is no brand new character to download today. You have to admit, going 5 for 5 with character releases was impressive yet difficult for such a new team and forum community. Maybe this will partially satisfy those that are disappointed we could not go 6 for 6. You should check in on the download section periodically as it will still be getting some additions for the rest of today and into tomorrow. What am I talking about you ask? Now announcing our characters section will be growing from numerous host requests we were granted. And to start things off, I give you the partner in crime to one of our proudest releases of the event, The Joker. Harley Quinn by Batzarro and ALEXZIQ is now hosted at CVG! Watch this tracker to see who is added here: Now Hosted Tracker

And so you won't lose track of the main event characters that were released here due to all that uploading, listing them all so far for you here now. To download, click whichever link below:

Steel by Bizarro_Toro

Isaiah Bradley Beta v0.7 by Cormano and Zvitor

Joker (TAS) by ALEXZIQ

Firestorm by jhfer

Ultimate Guyver by youngdragun

Many of you know that you can customize your screenpack a little more with upgraded select screen pictures. We here at CVG United are fortunate enough to have one of the very best at creating such things a part of our team in Shulbocka. I always tend to use a bunch of his pics just to give my characters that much more of their comic counterparts look. So today, we are proud to present to you these two Portrait Pack releases to help celebrate Preview Week!

Thank you for putting those portraits together for all the Mugen fans that love to edit their screenpacks with such pictures. You can find each pacj in the download section and feel free to discuss the release here: Portrait Packs by Shulbocka released

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