
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mugen: Robocop

Film poster for Robocop - Copyright 1987, Orio...Image via Wikipedia

It's been 22 years since the first movie Robocop was released. The story of a cop who dies in the line of duty and his brain and a few organs were used to make a cyborg cop. I love technology so i like the idea of the cybernetics, but the most interesting part of the story is the ethics. Alex Murphy did not consent to being made int o a cyborg and he is constantly questioning his humanity and the at the heart of the story is question what makes one human? added to that lots of fights and explosions, and action. What more do you need in great science fiction? A MUGEN character! And yes, there is a version of him for MUGEN. Download

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Here is a demo video

The character is a hoot to play with. He is kinda slow, but I chalk that up to the true-to-move depiction of the character. He can also take a lot of damage so if you can overwhelm your opponent with his weapons and get in close it is quite possible to compensate for the lack of speed. I recommend this character highly.

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