
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CVG United Crisis Project Announcement

At CVG United, we think our projects are very exciting. Get ready to see some stuff on the Batman project starting tomorrow.

But today, still focusing on the Crisis project. It is coming together very well, and we've kept a lid on a couple other tidbits that make it stand out even more with some other 3rd party characters that are involved.

The one that stands out the most to me is Kratos, God of War!

I'm an Xbox guy, so I've never had the opportunity to play one of the God of War games. But I have always been jealous of those Playstation users who could check out Kratos. That is, until I saw that WIP for Mugen. I am extremely confident that Kratos and DooM are going to make all of our jaws drop. And I'm just glad they were gracious enough to allow him in the project. Make sure you check out their main website about him, here:

We are also very thankful for our partnership with Nestor and the Capcom Fighting Allstars Project. There are a couple WIPs that we are going to collaborate on that will be involved in both their project and Crisis. These are Frank West, Resident Evil 4 version of Leon, and Nestor finishing up Z999's amazing work with Resident Evil 2 version of Leon. This relationship will also bring Crisis: Strider Hiryu, Megaman, and Resident Evil Jill. To check out their main website, go here:
You can also see their sub section at CVG:

Another relationship we are very proud to have is with Mugen Superhero zvitor. You will hear more from him with his own announcements later in the week. We'll save those as a surprise. But in conjunction with that, he has also been kind enough to allow us permission to use the following in the Crisis project:

But those are not all the newest 3rd party characters and WIPs that will be involved with the Crisis project. On the subject of great feathered characters, we also have permission from Topper for his great looking Hawkgirl. I know he's focused right now on Mystique, but I really can't wait until he can do more with here.

We might be giving away a story element with this next announcement giving the fact we have an awesome looking Phoenix by Legendkaos in the works. Now announcing Dark Phoenix by Tooya and jr6/ejmann in the Crisis project. Now all of you prediction hounds can start trying to theorize the story.

One of the better releases in the post release party season in April and May was by XsLaught with his duel release of Onslaught and the Sentinel. I personally think he created the best Sentinel in all of Mugen and we are very thankful for him to also be included in the Crisis project.

And finally we come to another video game icon that will be involved here. I was floored when Sean Altly first allowed us the use of his great Rorschach (definite candidate for release of 2009) Well, he's done it again by allowing the Crisis project to use his Solid Snake. He will absolutely help us fill out that portion of the roster.

There might be others later on that join, but those are some secrets we have been sitting on for quite awhile. We might have another announcement or two along those lines this week, so keep your eyes posted to CVG United for more.

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