
Friday, August 28, 2009

CVG Preview Week, Day 4: New Direction with the CVG Hellboy WIP

ALEXZIQ's Birthday Hangover Day

So I know there is at least one person in the CVG community suffering from a hangover, but the one I had in mind had a birthday yesterday and gave us the gift. The Joker was awesome ALEXZIQ and I hope you had a good day yesterday. If you all haven't tried him out yet, you should. The update is great. And what do you know, we've had 3 days for this event and had 3 character releases. Can we pull a 4 for 4? You'll just have to wait and see. Link for the Announcement topic thread today: Preview Week Day 4

When joined Team CVG we were not just blessed with a great sprite editor and an awesome team member. He also brought along a WIP that he planned to finish that his friend Azrael started. And fortunately for us, this same character, Hellboy, was one we had big plans with here at CVG for the Crisis project. And as good as all that previous work looked, it was an easy decision to change the direction of Spooky's Hellboy WIP into this one. So as part of Day 4 of Preview week, I am proud to show off the new look for this character, and I cannot wait to see what Azrael,, and whoever else that work with them on the project do to bring him to life in Mugen. To follow the progress of Hellboy and discuss these pics and more, take this link: Hellboy by Azrael and WIP Discussion Thread

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