
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Comic Mugen Blog Business

Few things to discuss. The few sprite edits you see are a sneak preview of the ones being voted on at CVG United and the Infinity Mugen Team Forums as part of the Favorite Fiction Blog Sprite Contest.

- There will be a change in how the WIP Boards are done soon. I'll break them all down into where the main posts are located community wise. The multiple topic links will be gone due to the change. Obviously a few will be slanted more to CVG United if posted there due to my connection and how I originally organized all this information there.

- The personal WIP mmcelhaney wanted to work on needs a new sprite editor as Bizarro_Toro is retiring from sprite editing after Steel is finished. If you are interested in working with mmcelhaney on this project please either email him, email, comment here, or send me a personal message at whatever Mugen Forum Community you know me best at.

- Speaking of need for a new sprite editor, CVG United is currently looking for one for the Spider-Carnage WIP. If we do not find one, we may have to drop the WIP. If you are interested, please contact me in the same methods listed above

- SGM is having a 4 day event starting on August 8th. Expect a recap of the events each and every day.

- As I stated before, there is voting going on for the Favorite Fiction Sprite Contest. It had to be downgraded a little bit from the original plan, but we got a lot of great submissions as you can tell from the previews in this post. Be sure to check out the voting at the following links. You have about 6 more days to do so from now.

When the voting is over at the forums, certain sprites from those contests will then be voted on here afterwards in a sort of compilation edition. The winner's at each forum will receive the ability to choose the subject of a future WIP Focus article, and something else will be figured out for the one that wins here.

Thank you and go vote now. And if you are interested in sprite editing Black Panther or Spider-Carnage, please take the steps listed above to contact whoever.

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