
Saturday, July 18, 2009

WIP Focus: Scorpion by Hobgoblin

At, CarnageBrunner won a mini contest that allowed him to choose the focus of a WIP Focus article. This was his choice.

1) So how did you decide upon bringing Scorpion to Mugen?

Well, I'm a big Spider-man fan, and I always loved Scorpion, so when I found some good bases to use for him, I thought to myself, "why not?"

2) Sounds like a good reason to me. Please share your thoughts about his general comic back history and about the character in general.

Scorpion was a private investigator named Mac Gargen. He was hired by JJ to follow around peter parker in order to know how Peter gets those marvelous pictures of Spider-man. When Gargen had his transformation to the Scorpion, he became insane and because he is so crazy, I think he'll make an interesting character to play in MUGEN.

3) So tell the readers what bases you are using for the character and for the various moves themselves.

At the moment, the main base is Venom. For the tail, I'm using a shortened version of Justice's tail from Guilty Gear. About the moves, Scorpion's going to have punches, but no kicks…instead of kicks he'll have tail-related attacks.

4) I know its early on, but may I ask how the progress going on Scorpion?

Right now, Scorpion has all the standing basic attacks. He also has his stance, walking forward, and 2 standing get hits.

5) What has stood out the most during the creation process in a positive manner to this point? What has been giving you the most trouble?

The thing that has been giving me the most trouble is…you guessed it, the tail. But the most annoying thing to draw from scratch is the tail "pack" which connecting the tail to his back.

6) Everyone wants to know about that tail, so can you please tell us what all you have planned for that tail?

Well, I'm planning him to use the tail a lot, as I've mentioned earlier, he won't have kicks, but tail strikes. I want him to use his tail to grab an opponent, and use his tail for many "gadget” attacks he have beyond just the stinger.

7) What kind of special and hyper moves might we expect beyond what you might have just mentioned in the previous question?

I don't have many ideas on how he will use just the tail yet, but I’ll figure out something. Although, Scorpion is pretty fast as well, so he might have hypers related to that. As for the "gadgets" I've mentioned earlier, I plan to have laser, acid, poison, etc, coming from the tail.

8) I'm fairly new to Mugen still, but I know at one point there is/was a Web Crawler project. If this is still active, will Scorpion be a part of this? May I ask how things are going on that project in general?

Well, I don't know if the project is still active, so I'm pretty sure Scorpion won't be part of it. I am interested in having a Spider-man project related to the Scruffy Dragon site, but haven't really discussed anyone about it.

9) That project sounds like a great idea. Any hints you would like to share on how his intro might be with Spider-Man? Will he have any intros or winposes with any other characters?

He will have intros with other characters. As for Spider-man, I'm planning an intro involving JJ. And who knows? Maybe he'll have something with vulture too.

10) So what are your general thoughts on beta releases? Can you give a possible timetable on a beta to release and/or a goal for the full release?

Well as stated before, Scorpion is very early on and would take some good time to complete. I don't have a date on release, but he will need to have all the basics done, plus a couple of hyper and specials before even considering a beta release.

To learn more about the character's comic history:
If you would like to follow Hobgoblin's progress on Scorpion, you can do so by keeping track of the following link:


  1. This is great news!
    Let's hope he'll be done soon.

  2. FANTASTIC! finally they're working on it! I'd had my fingers crossed for a while as I saw some very promising sprites had been created

  3. The hand of the character seem to be larger than his head. But the character is very well done! I can not wait to have it!
