
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Creator Interviews: Scruffy Dragon Production's Seth Zankuten

1) How did you first learn about MUGEN and how long ago was that?

I think I first learned about MUGEN back when I did Mega Man sprites. I was a freshman in high school (We called it Intermediate school, grades 9-10 only), at the time, 1999. My buddy Zephiroth X (The Cold Mage) was going to be making a Mega Man vs. Final Fantasy game. So I started looking for Fighting Game Engines over the next few years, and I wound up downloading the MUGEN beta when it came out in 2001.

2) Why did you decide to get into the creation side of MUGEN, and do you focus more on spriting or coding?

I have a love for battle systems like no other. Originally, I was a sprite artist that wanted to make sure my sprites did exactly what I imagined so I picked up coding...then I started finding people that wanted me to code their characters so I started to lean towards coding. As of right now I'm working on a degree in game/simulation and design so coding is kind of my focus all around now.

3) I could not think of a better degree for you to get. When you are just focusing on having fun and playing, what characters do you tend to use the most and why?

I usually don't play MUGEN for fun...but I like to load up the full games and play them. When I do play MUGEN I enjoy playing with P.O.T.S' Cammy and M.Bison/Vega, and sometimes Big Eli King's Venom.

4) What comic character not already made or in the process of being made do you wish was MUGENized?

Well, I don't know if he has been started but Daredevil has always been a dream to make.

5) Can you please tell me about what current WIP you are most looking forward to other than your own?

As far as my own, easily the Phase1 for DCvsMARVEL. Other than that I have about 20 characters on the back burners ready to be cooked and seasoned, withh most of those being on the Down-Low.

What WIP am I looking forward to other than my own? Hmmm I'm really looking forward to a good Shocker...but I haven't seen any complete ones yet. (editor’s note - Check out BigPimp’s WIP of Shocker here:,40.0.html )

6) How and why did you get involved with Scruffy Dragon Productions?

Well, back when I started coding, I wanted to create a functioning Maximum Spider for Spider-Man....back then I wasn't concerned about balancing and functionality, just how things looked. Buyog saw my Spider-man and asked me to join up with him in his quest to finish this game. I agreed and joined the Ranks of Buyog, Loganir, Magus and McCready and after that I'm sure most people know the story.

7) Very nice, and glad that all happened. Since then, please tell the readers all the characters you have worked on towards their release.

Off the Top of my head;
Angel Ryu
Ironman (Magus)
Superman (Kal-Elvis and Han)
Savage Hulk (Buyog and Bob)
Ultron (McCready)
Strong Guy (McCready)
Evil Dan (ilcane87)

I've had several discussions with creators like Syn, iTorres, Grave of Death, and others with coding suggestions and help, while I've also helped Sprite artists tweak their sprites to be top notch. So I guess I'm really a Mugen Coach more than a Creator ;)

8) Which one of those stands out the most to you and why?

I know most people are going to think its Spider-Man but, the one that stands out the most to me is Carnage....reason? Well he was a hack job beta that I really never had time for, so I threw a bunch of crap together just to release him...and people still download him. I really want to redo all the sprites, as that was just a trial run on what I could actually do back in the day. So most likely when this happens, I will come up with a whole new concept for him. Carnage will have some things from the old version but in all reality he will probably be massively different. Mostly new sprites, some moves may stay the same with just new animations. One day this will happen, but as of right now I have bigger fish to fry.

9) Speaking of Spider-Man, I noticed that you have a pretty massive update on the way in some regard with the Blacksuit version. Is this going to be an all new character, or a 2nd mode of your main Spiderman? Can you tell us more about him please?

Uh-Oh, someone’s digging deep. Black-Suit is kind of behind closed doors right now. All I can say is that WINMUGEN may not be able to handle him alone.

10) I really like your Superboy, but noticed that v.65 and v.95 are massively different. I like them so much and saw numerous differences that I actually have both in my roster. When you released v.95, you said some of the moves were just placeholders for when he gets a full release. May I ask what will change between those versions? And when might we be on the lookout for him?

As you may or may not know, Titan Goku and I both sprite on Superboy, and we originally had two completely different WIPs of him. As of right now Titan Goku is MIA and he had a ton of plans for the new update of Superboy…as did I. The only updates I was able to put in where my own sprites and gameplay elements. We'll have to wait on big TG before we know what is really in store for him.

11) We all know you are working very hard on Phase 1 of Scruffy's DCvMarvel project, and word has it, the release is semi close. Can you tell us how things are going on that please? And what can we expect to see that we might not be familiar with from other game projects of that nature. I do not suppose I could get you to guesstimate when it might be ready for the public?

As of right now the Mugen Community has only seen snippets and pieces of our full plan. We don't want Phase 1 to just be another screen pack with DC and Marvel characters. We all want it to feel like a full game, not just a MvC rip off, but something stand alone. There are many new game elements and features to make it original but still have that exciting high impact, lightning paced game play everyone has grown to love.

We were aiming for Scruffyversary, but a few things had held us back from actual release. We want to give the best we got and not just something half-finished.

12) For anyone that has seen your signature, avatar, and anything else that you choose picture wise to represent you, they would know you are a big Cyclops fan. May I ask what is so appealing to you about him, and why is it you've not actually made your own version of him for Mugen to this point? (i'm assuming your not heavily involved in verz's astonishing version, but if i'm wrong so be it)

Cyclops has always been my favorite X-men. When I was young I always picked him on all the games, and always claimed "Dibs". I believe the reason behind it all was when I took a bunch of my brothers comics when I was young and I read "Uncanny X-men 175". This issue is part of the Phoenix Saga where Scott defends himself against the X-men (Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Storm, Rogue, Shadowcat, even Lockheed) with a pair of broken ribs. Ever since then Cyclops has been an underdog that gets pushed aside for characters such as Wolverine.

Why haven't I made one? I've thought about it but then I look at Sunboy's and I'm pretty happy with his version. I know I could go and add some flashy effects and maybe a move or two, but really its not worth my time right now to try and give him a face lift, when I enjoy playing as the one Capcom and Sunboy made already.

13) Any tips you would like to share on how you all work that may help other creators?

Don't quit, and be kind. When you quit, all your work was for nothing. You lose part of yourself to what you never completed, even if something takes you 10 years. Finish it and be proud.

14) Everyone knows that MUGEN creation is very detailed oriented and time consuming. What keeps you motivated to continue your work?

I get bored...and I can get lost in coding. Just imaging being able to do something with your favorite character, than make it come true is captivating to me. I heart it.


  1. seth is a good guy, very talented

  2. also, that word "mugenized" is just too damn weird. I wish it didn't exist..

  3. Yeah, Seth, your the man!
