
Friday, June 5, 2009

What If?...Characters That'd Be Cool If MUGENized #4

Disclaimer: Most of the following characters not only haven't been made yet, but there are not even publicly known plans to bring them to Mugen either. The purpose of this article is solely for entertainment, and not meant to tell any creators who to work on, nor is it intended to be thought of as a "Wish List" of characters I want made. However, if anyone becomes inspired enough to begin a WIP on any of the characters discussed, then that would be a bonus.

Outside of Marvel/DC

As most of you that follow superhero comic Mugen know, there is primarily a focus on Marvel and DC characters. Well, there are plenty of cool characters made by other comic companies and I thought I'd point out in MUGENized fashion and these are the ones that caught my eye. Now I know what you are saying, there are a ton of other characters you missed. I agree with you, but I can only write about so many of them, and these are the ones that were chosen.


As you are probably aware of, there are a number of Spawn WIPs currently in production in the community, including three at Because of that, Redeemer is a perfect choice for an article such as this. For those of you who do not know, A Redeemer similar to a Hellspawn in how they are chosen to be angelic warriors to combat the forces of Hell. Much of their power is derived from the Elemental Fire of Heaven as an answer to a Hellspawn's use of Necroplasm. It is this Celestial Fire that drives the Redeemers, as they feel pain from the source of their power that can only be abated by defeating a Hellspawn. The people that are picked for these positions are those that have a history of performing brutal acts, yet have still found religion.

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Mr. Majestic

He is one of the most powerful beings in the Wildstorm universe, and has been a leader of the WildC.A.T.S, which is one of the most prominent groups there as well. Imagine a Mugen character with all of the powers of Superman. Then give that same character a great intellect that allows him to create various technological weapons. Now give him psionic powers. And finally, he likes using a sword. That is Mr. Majestic, and that is what I'd call a fun character to play with *if* MUGENized!

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In the Wildstorm universe, there is an epic battle between two alien planets, Khera and Daemon. As part of this war, the Kherans empowered a number of their people with cybernetic abilities and this is how Spartan came into being. These abilities grant him superstrength, flight, invisibility, energy projection, and he can also self repair his cybernetics as needed. And if he is defeated, he can download his mind into a new body and draw from the memories of that defeat to where he can adjust his strategy so it will not happen again. And on top of all that, he can merge with someone named the Void which will then allow for stronger energy projection, teleportation, and make him even stronger.

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She might be one of the most iconic female characters in the WildStorm universe. Like other Kherans, she has superstrength and a very long lifespan. This long life granted her time to hone her fighting abilities with various hand-to-hand weapons, and fire arms to perfection. In addition to that, she also has the ability to heal from certain wounds. Given her image and those abilities, she'd be a classic right there for consider her gift with dark sorceries. In the comics, she primarily used those abilities for energy projection, teleportation, shields, and creating various objects out of thin air.

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The Darkness

While Jackie Estacado is already someone you do not want to mess with (mob hitman with excellent marksmanship and a formidable hand-to-hand fighter), he is even stronger with the power of The Darkness. The Darkness is passed down through family lines and grants the wielder almost limitless ability to create anything he wants out of the shadows. This can be in the form of weapons or armor, or even create Darklings to fight for him. He also has the tendency to employ the use of fanged tentacles from his armor that will feed on his enemies. And that is not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his powers, so imagine how great he could be in Mugen.

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Sara Pezzini can already hold her own due to her police training in unarmed combat, weapons and tactics. But after she acquired the Witchblade, she became much more powerful. The only limit to this power is Sara's imagination. So far she has used it to: create weapons and armor, fire energy blasts, healing, winged flight, and razor sharp tentacles that can be extended for attack. Now couple all that with a sexy look/attitude and an affinity to allow for her Witchblade armor to leave her extremely exposed, and you have a guaranteed future favorite Mugen character on your hands.

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  1. Wouldn't it be cool if The Savage Dragon would get muganized?
    Or some of the many allies and villains of the series like Mako, Openface, Overlord, Powerhouse, Mighty Man, Superpatriot, Arachniq, Zeke or that Rat-Man whose name I have forgotten.

  2. god I hate that word "Mugenized"'s bad enough the engine is called "mugen"..but to make & use a ridiculous word like "mugenized"...that needs to stop.

    anyway, as long as people can draw decently with a Mouse or frankensprite decently, there will always be new characters coming out

  3. What term would you coin other than "mugenized"?

  4. You Forgot Dark Horse's Best Seller Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

  5. Buffy the vampire slayer
