
Monday, January 5, 2009

Mugen: Invisible Woman

The Invisible Woman is a member of the Fantastic Four. She has been around since the beginning and is another example of a character that I had an unfortunate low view of. I was wrong. She has a lot great powers and is highly intelligent. If the Thing is Fantastic Four's muscle, Mister Fantastic is the mind, the Human Torch is its boldness, then Susan Richards is the FF's heart. She keeps them together. Without her there is no Fantastic Four. Like the other members of the FF, her costume has changed many times. Here is my table comparing the two versions I have in mugen.

Here is the video tests.

I have to admit that although Buyog's version isn't ready yet, Angelic Charon is a great. It blows away the version of the character I had before. In the older version, she is invisible all the time. You hit still hit her and she can still do damage, but it's not as much fun. In Angelic Charon's version you can turn invisible and fight and you have pretty cool helpers and special moves. I haven't figured them all out, but if someone really learned how to use Angelic Charon's version you can be really formidable.


  1. Hi Marcus,

    Now I have The Four Fantastics completely.


  2. It's a good feeling alright, Sante'. I'm looking forward to posting more tests! Have you tried reading my page in your own language? I'd like to know how good the translator is. Thanks.

  3. Hi Marcus,

    My name isn't Santé, Santé is a french
    expression to hope you a good Health.
    My name is Willy....
    No, I had not tried your translator
    because I preferred to write in English
    to enable me to improve my English.
    But for you I just try it and I'll say
    you what it is worth


  4. Hi Marcus,

    Your Google translator is comparable
    to the most translators on the internet,
    It's very average.....
    When it don't understand the sense
    of a phrase or a word, it translates word for word as a result the translation is bad.
    Example, "I am 33" = "j'ai 33 ans" (in french)
    but your translator, it, translated "je suis 33"
    which, in french, means nothing.
    Other example, it translated your phrase
    "I have to admit that although Buyog's version isn't ready yet, Angelic Charon is a great"
    like this " Je dois admettre que, bien que
    Buyog la version n'est pas encore prête,
    Angélique Charon est un grand",
    (very bad french), instead of
    "Je dois admettre que, bien que la version
    de Buyog ne soit pas encore prête, celle de Angélique Charon est énorme
    (ou terrible = super bien fait)".
    In fact the translators on internet, for lack of knowing to translate, don't know how to reproduce the good syntax of the phrase
    in the language translated.


  5. Thanks, Willy, I was afraid of that. I guess we are not there yet: automatic, on-the-fly, thought-for-thought translation. I hope that it's at least close enough that people who don't speak English understand what I'm saying. Thanks so much also for reading my blog.

  6. Hi Marcus,

    you said :
    "Thanks so much also for reading my blog"
    Natural, I like your blog which became for me
    an obliged passage on the internet.
    For the translations, don't care because,
    even if the translations are very bad,
    it's easier for a french to guess bad French than English.
    The same goes for the italians, the spanish, etc...........
    Knows that Google is nevertheless the least bad translator.

    PS : I correct my error (...........of syntax) in the phrase "in the language translated",
    in fact I should have to write
    "in the translated language".


  7. Thanks, Willy. I was wondering: What does "Sante'" mean?

  8. Hi Marcus,

    "Santé" is a French expression to hope you
    a good health as well as yours next of kins.
    So Santé = I wish you (and yours family & friends) always to remain in good health.
    Because the health is the most important (precious) thing in this world.

