
Monday, February 28, 2011

Grudge Match - Vixen vs War Machine

Could Vixen beat War Machine. I don't think Show. Jim Rhodes is a professional, I think he'd just ignore what she looks like and just end it quickly. I decided to see what it would look like in MUGEN anyway.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grudge Match - Vixen vs Bishop

Let's see. Do I think that Vixen could beat Bishop? In the comics? Nope. But I decided to try it out in MUGEN anyway to see what such a scenario might look like.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grudge Match - Steel vs War Machine Redux

I think Steel would beat War Machine because John made his suit and Rodey didn't make his.I wanted to stage a fight in MUGEN to see what might happen in a scenario where they fight.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grudge Match - Steel vs Bishop

I think Steel could beat Bishop. I'm not entirely sure, but I thought I would stage a fight in MUGEN to see what it could look like.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Grudge Match - Steel vs Storm

Could Storm beat Steel? I think that would be inevitable. Here is a fight stage in MUGEN.

Grudge Match - John Stewart vs Storm

I think Storm could give John or any Green Lantern a run for their money. It will be a tough fight for both of them but I think GL's power ring will run out of power before Storm does! Here is a scenario in MUGEN.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mugen Preview: Shades of Manhattan 2

You may know Sean Altly best for his work with Rorschach, but he is one of the best Mugen creators when it comes to original character creations too. Not only does he develop an entire back history to fit the move set for these characters, but there are woven into a passion project for him, Shades of Manhattan...and in the case of this preview video, its sequel.

If you have not downloaded his Shades of Manhattan characters before, I suggest you do so now at:

Hitokiri Battousai + RK Characters Updates 02/18/11

Aoshi has released updates for his Rurouni Kenshin mugen characters plus another based on Kenshin's other alter ego - the Battousai. I loved the series and now you have some options to use the characters in MUGEN!

Hitokiri Battousai + RK Characters Updates 02/18/11

Here is the demo video he put together
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Grudge Match - John Stewart vs Isaiah Bradley

I'm not sure if Isaiah could beat John Stewart. I think the Green Lantern would easily. However I thought it might be fun to see how it would play out in MUGEN!

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grudge Match - Green Lantern vs Bishop

Could John Stewart beat Bishop? I think he can. It sure would be interesting to see it. I decided to see what would happen in Bishop.

Grudge Match - John Stewart & Vixen vs Batman & Batgirl

Could Batman and Batgirl beat Vixen and the Green Lantern? I think they could because I know Batman already knows how to beat both of them if he ever had to fight them. However I decided to stage a fight in MUGEN to see what such a scenario could look like.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Grudge Match - Cyborg vs War Machine

A fight between Cyborg and War Machine would be amazing. Who would win? I'm not sure, but I would like to see such a fight. I decided to use MUGEN to stage a possible scenario.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grudge Match - Cyborg vs Storm

I like Cyborg and all, but I see no way to see how Storm could loose to Cyborg. I decided to see what would happen in a battle staged in MUGEN.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Grudge Match - Mystique vs Nightcrawler

Can Nightcrawler beat his mother? I'm not sure. She might be willing to kill him if she has to win, but Nightcrawler would never intentionally kill her. Anyway, I had a request of doing a MUGEN match to see a possible scenario play out.  Here it is.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Grudge Match - Cyborg vs Bishop Redux

Could X-Men's Bishop defeat Cyborg? I don't think so. I think I'd have to give it to Cyborg. Bishop is well-trained but Cyborg has weapons that are not energy-based, giving him an edge.

Grude Match - Steel vs Isaiah Bradley Redux!

It's been a while since I tried to put these characters against each other, so thought I would see what would happen in MUGEN again. So for Black History Month, if Marvel's first avenger went up against DC's Steel who would win? Outside and apart from MUGEN, I think Steel would win.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Grudge Match - War Machine vs John Stewart

Image Source: Dave Draws Comics

So who would win if the Green Lantern opened up all he had against War Machine? I don't know but I'd be fun to find out. Fortunately, in honor of Black History Month we can stage a possible scenario in MUGEN.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grudge Match: Superman vs. Underdog

The champion of Metropolis against the champion of Capitol City.

Friday, February 4, 2011

MUGEN - Commissioner Gordon Phase 1

Commissioner Gordon as he appears in The Batman.Image via Wikipedia
I was amazed about how much I like this character. At first I wasn't sure if playing as Commissioner Gordon  in MUGEN, but I was wrong. If you haven't tried this one out, I highly recommend you trying this one out!

CVG UNITED- Where Comics and Video Games Unite! - Commissioner Gordon Phase 1
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grudge Match - Wonder Woman vs Mongul

This is always a good fight to watch in comics and in animation. Now you can stage it in MUGEN.

MUGEN: Angel

Well the wait is over and this character was worth waiting for! The really cool thing about this character is that you can turn switch back and forth between Angel and Archangel when ever your want! ArkadyRossovitch and aa250 have definitely created a great character!

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CVG UNITED- Where Comics and Video Games Unite! - Angel of the X-men